Jumat, 14 Maret 2014

Universal Adobe Patcher 1.06  -pernah sobat merasa kebingungan mencari sebuah crack atapun patch ataupun serial number untuk membuat Software Adobe sobat menjadi Full version.

Thanks To Painter , karena telah memberikan kemudahan sebuah solusi untuk kita yang ingin memiliki aktivator adobe All in one. Untuk kategori Adobe CS 4 sampai ke Adobe CC , dan Software Adobe lainya.

Untuk menggunakan ini cukup mudah, 3 kali Klik, software adobe sobat dari kategory Adobe versi CS 4 sampai versi terbaru Adobe CC akan Full version. support dengan versi 32 Bit atau pun 64 Bit.

Lihat List Product 

Universal Adobe Patcher - a small utility, which you will forget about the difficulties with the activation of virtually all existing products Adobe.  

The public version patcher, different from private small cuts in the functional:
- Removed patch to not check editing notes.
- Removed patch tinkering with AAM in UMT (UMT so all there is).
- Removed patch adds support for WindowsXP Photoshop (13.1.2 and 14.xx).

At this restriction ended, now about what is in the kit:
+ "SnR" patch.
Unique patcher Muse. (Inside patcher full flash disassembler, which rebuilds the stick changing the necessary methods, such a luxury is not originally planned to be added to a "of knee" toy).

Patcher supports all versions of products in a single line, and initially he is looking for an application in the default folder for it.

List Of Products

Adobe After Effects CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Audition CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Bridge CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Professional CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]

Adobe InCopy CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CC Extended (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Prelude CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe SpeedGrade CC (64-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 (64-Bit)
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Adobe Acrobat XI Pro (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Bridge CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Edge Animate CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InCopy CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Muse CC (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CC Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 (32-Bit)
Adobe Elements 12 Organizer (32-Bit)
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Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.3 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5.2 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 5 (32-Bit)
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe After Effects CS6 (64-Bit) [Full version]
Adobe Bridge CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Encore CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe SpeedGrade CS6 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.3 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 (64-Bit)
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe Acrobat X Pro (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Audition CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Bridge CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Fireworks CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Builder 4.6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Professional CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS6 Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Prelude CS6 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
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Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Elements 11 Organizer (32-Bit) [Full Version]
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.4 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.3 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.2 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4.1 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 4 (32-Bit)
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe After Effects CS5.5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Extended (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5.5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.6 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.3 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.2 (64-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 (64-Bit)
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe Audition CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Bridge CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Contribute CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Device Central CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full version]
Adobe Encore CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Fireworks CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 (32-Bit) [Full version]
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS5.1 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS5.5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS5.1 Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
-------------------------------------------------- -
Photoshop Elements 10 (32-Bit)
Elements 10 Organizer (32-Bit)
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.6 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.5 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.4 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.3 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3.2 (32-Bit)
Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 (32-Bit)
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe After Effects CS5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended (64-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 (64-Bit) [Full Version]
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe Bridge CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Contribute CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Device Central CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Encore CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Fireworks CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Builder 4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash Catalyst CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Flash CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS5 Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Soundbooth CS5 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
-------------------------------------------------- -
Photoshop Elements 9 (32-Bit)
Elements 9 Organizer (32-Bit)
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended (64-Bit)
-------------------------------------------------- -
Adobe After Effects CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Contribute CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Dreamweaver CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Encore CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Fireworks CS4 (32-Bit) [Full version]
Adobe Flash CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Illustrator CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe InDesign CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Media Encoder CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Photoshop CS4 Extended (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Premiere Pro CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
Adobe Soundbooth CS4 (32-Bit) [Full Version]
-------------------------------------------------- -

Langkah menggunakannya
  • Pastikan Software adobe Sesuai Lis product di atas telah di install
  • kemudian run as administrator , Universal Adobe Patcher ini
  • Pilih Product adobe yang akan sobat eksekusi untuk di aktivasi
  • kemudian Pilih Patch
  • done , full version
Size : 800 Kb

Via Rghost

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Source : http://www.kuyhaa-android19.com/

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